Central California Traction Company
The Central California Traction Company has a long and interesting history. A book about the Company is available at the Western Railroad Museum.
The CCTC has been renovated recently (2005) so that is is the only service to eastern Lodi, with all of the on-street east-west rail connections removed. In fact, two bridges over Highway 99 sit unused and without rails. The renovation has included new, heavy weight rail and considerable grade improvements. The train speeds have been increased, the rolling stock has much less sway and the trains get longer and longer.
The CCTC runs right past Bear Creek Winery where I have my office. Therefore, I'm able to share some photos and video clips of the train that runs north each weekday and south on the return trip.
Contact me at mikevdpca@aim.com with any comments or suggestions.
A quick clip of the CCTC heading north.
This is the UP main line that runs between Stockton and Lodi at Armstrong Road.
I include it so you can hear the new electronic