Camporee 2001 - Events - Mapping

Draft WBC Ver 4/4/2001 

Rules for Mapping Event

Each Patrol will draw a map showing the location of Camporee features. Webelos will draw and label the location of five of the poles located near each event. Scouts will add outlines of five camp areas. Ventures will add sketches of five interpreted map elements.

Patrols may work on the mapping from the beginning of the competition until 4 PM. Late maps will not be scored. Bring your own compass and know your paces for distance. Once a patrol begins this event, only the event coordinators may be asked for advice on it. No other scouts or adults should provide coaching or any other map assistance. The map should be entirely the work of the Patrol.

The Patrol’s Camporee registration rank and number should be written in the upper right corner of the map. Performance scoring will be based on procedure, completeness, legibility, pattern (angles), and scale. Unless you are very confident, do not erase bearing lines but be sure to label the bearing in degrees and paced distance in feet.

The blank map provided indicates the location of the pole marking this map event. The arrows indicate MN (Magnetic North) and TN (True North). The scale bar shows 100 feet. Scouts may use the reverse side of this instruction sheet for preparing draft maps or sketches but only the provided scaled map sheet will be scored.

All the features you need to consider for this event should plot on the map sheet if it is correctly oriented and paced.

Webelos: The five features you must draw and label by number are the locations of the event poles in the following list: 1) First Aid, 2) Pioneering, 3) Challenge, 4) Signaling, and 5) Teamwork.

Scouts: You must accurately map the five station poles in the Webelos list and roughly outline and label by number five additional features including: 6) the largest Camporee garbage container, 7) the sand volleyball court, 8) the easternmost latrine, 9) the parking area perimeter, and 10) the teepee. Features 6 through 10 do not need to have paced dimensions. The Scouts should ask themselves, if we didn’t know where they were, could we find them from their positions and orientations relative to the plotted event poles on our map.

Ventures: After completing the Scouts’ map detailed above, sketch and label at least 5 additional prominent cultural or natural map elements that are not shown in the Camporee guide but would be expected on a general topographic map at the scale of the sheet provided. In addition, at least one elevation contour, the +5 foot contour relative to this event station, should be very roughly sketched and labeled.




Troop 135, Michael Von der Porten, (707) 545-7520 If you’d like to visit us at the Church of the Roses on a Monday night, please call.

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last updated:  05/28/03 08:26:07 PM

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