Troop 135 Carr Lake Trip June, 2002

We call this the Carr Lake Trip, but it really just started at Carr Lake.  We hiked past Carr Lake, Feely Lake and Island Lake.  We headed north on the Crooked Lakes Trail.  Note that this trail is on the map on the photo, but is not on the topographic maps we had.  We camped next to Penner Lake.  Note that the trail actually runs to the east of Penner Lake, not to the west as the photo of the map shows.

This area is easy to access from Sacramento, so is quite heavily used.  The parking lot was quite full on a Friday night.  There were several other camping groups around the various lakes, including our Penner Lake.  There are several established campsites at each lake--established, but not official.  There are official campsites and a regular pit toilet building 1/4 mile east of the parking lot, along Carr Lake--we didn't know about it for Friday night, but wish we had known!  There was nobody camping in those official campsites.

Only a fire permit is needed for camping here (as of 7/2002).

Trip Instruction Sheet

Feely Lake on the way up.  Note the snow in the foreground.  The scouts had a great time with snowballs and all.

Up above Island Lake and other lakes, looking south.

Cooking breakfast along Feely Lake.

Ready to head home.  This was the first backpack trip for many of the scouts!



last updated:  08/10/02 08:36:19 PM