About 1540 -- Francis Drake born near Tavistock,
Devonshire. 1550s -- Drake learns seafaring as a youth. 1556 ---
Philip II becomes king of Spain. 1558 -- Henry Vill's daughter
Elizabeth becomes queen of England. About 1564 -- Drake is purser on a
trading voyage to Spain. 1566-1567 -- Drake is an officer in the Lovell
expedition to Africa and the Caribbean. 1567 -- Drake is an officer in
the Hawkins expedition to Africa and the Caribbean and becomes captain of
the Judith. 1568 -- Hawkins expedition is attacked in San Juan d'Ulua,
Mexico; Drake escapes in the Judith, Hawkins in the Minion, both returning
to Plymouth In 1569. 1569 -- Drake marries Mary Newman. 1570 --
Drake raids the West Indies with two ships. 1571 -- Drake raids Panama
with one ship. 1572-1573 -- Drake raids Panama with two ships and takes
a mule train with treasure. 1575 -- Drake serves under the Earl of
Essex off the coast of Ireland. 1577 -- Drake sails for the Pacific by
way of the Straits of Magellan. 1579 -- Drake raids the Pacific coast
of South and Central America, captures a treasure ship, then sails far
north, sees Oregon, and refits In California before crossing the Pacific
and Indian oceans. 1580 -- Drake returns to Plymouth, completing the
circumnavigation. 1581 -- Queen Elizabeth knights Drake on the deck of
his ship, the Golden Hind. 1581-1582 -- Drake is mayor of
Plymouth. 1581-1586, 1593 -- Drake is a member of Parliament. 1583
-- Mary Drake dies. 1585 -- Drake marries Elizabeth
Sydenham. 1585-1586 -- Drake takes Santiago, Cape Verde Islands; Santo
Domingo, Hispaniola; Cartagena, Columbia, and St. Augustine, Florida, with
twenty-five ships and two thousand men. He rescues the Roanoke
colonists. 1587 -- Drake burns Spanish ships in Cadiz, Spain, and along
the Portuguese coast with twenty-four ships and three thousand men, then
takes a treasure ship off the Azores Islands. 1588 -- Drake is
vice-admiral of England in the campaign of the Spanish Armada. 1589 --
Drake takes Corunna, Spain, and attacks Lisbon unsuccessfully with 180
ships and seventeen thousand men. 1593-1595 -- Drake is deputy lord
lieutenant for Devon. 1595 -- Drake and John Hawkins sail for the West
Indies with twenty-seven ships and twenty-five hundred men. Hawkins dies,
and Drake's attacks are repulsed at San Juan, Puerto Rico, and in
Panama. 1596 -- On January 28, Drake dies off Panama and is buried at
sea. 1598 -- King Philip II of Spain dies. 1603 -- Queen Elizabeth