Sonoma County Radio Amateurs - Field Day 1959 - predecessor activities to the publishing of Short Skip.

We were pleased to receive a series of early Field Day 35 mm slides.

These are from Donald E. (Don) ChristensenW6DZM and passed along by his daughter. Don became a SK in November 2019. You can see his obituary here.

Some boxes are also identified W6LCZ - Kenneth Woodrow Christensen (1918-2012). You can read his obituary here.

Don and Kenneth were brothers.

1959 Field Day - Schofield Hill

W6LCZ - 1959

filename: Day 1959-001.jpg


W6LCZ - July 1959 - W6IEN - BLG

filename: Day 1959-002.jpg


W6LCZ - July 1959 - K6LRS - N6CNJ - WDZM

filename: Day 1959-003.jpg


W6LCZ - 1959

filename: Day 1959-004.jpg


W6LCZ - July 1959 - W6IEN - QTH - Tractor

filename: Day 1959-005.jpg


W6LCZ - July 1959 - W6IEN Schofiled Hill

filename: Day 1959-006.jpg


W6LCZ - July 1959 - K6LRS - K6MIE

filename: Day 1959-007.jpg


W6LCZ - July 1959 - W6DZM - K6MIE

filename: Day 1959-008.jpg


Other Field Day Photos

1959 Photos

1960 Photos

1961 - not available

1962 - not available

1963 Photos

1964 Photos

1965 Photos

1966 Photos

1967 Photos


Here's a history of the club.  And, here's a table of the know officers and some key chairs since 1939.


SCRA held a very early Volunteer Examiner (VE) session.  It is believed to be the second held in the

Western Region, and perhaps the second in the nation.  Here are the VE documents from that session.


There's a great photo of the Club's station W6LFJ operating at the Red Cross at the Sonoma County

Library's archives:


The club's website can be found at or


Mike Von der Porten, AD6YB, has developed a CPVC version of the popular 2-meter tape measure antenna. 

For information click here.

last updated:  03/07/14 10:06:59 PM

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