Safety Quick
Most oil recycling programs are started by communities or waste haulers. For communities, oil recycling programs are effective ways of reducing the illegal disposal of oil. For waste haulers, oil recycling programs are effective ways of being competitive in obtaining new business or obtaining contract renewals and in providing real community services. Often, oil recycling programs are added to existing recycling programs for materials such as newspapers, cans and plastics.
Containers. A variety of containers have been used in oil recycling systems. While one-use containers such as milk jugs are attractive because of their price, their low quality, single-use capabilities and one-gallon capacity do not make them good a choice. Returning oil to the one-quart containers in which new oil comes is awkward, causes spills and is difficult to handle by the waste haulers. The SQ Container is specially designed to serve waste haulers and DIY oil changers. See more information on the Safety Quick Products page.
Trucks. The collection vehicles will need racks for the containers. The SQ Container fits easily into metal racks which have been successfully installed on a variety of trucks. The SQ Container allows the racks to hold the Containers in a vertical position without any oil against the cap.
Yard Facilities. The waste hauler will need a storage area for the containers and a drain system to collect the oil.